ss_blog_claim=73b1cd073bba6e6518705e046b696b7d Black Hat SEO Marketing

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Black Hat SEO Marketing

Fight to the top of search engines’ results do not know the limit - not ethical, and technical. Often there are reports of sites that have been issued temporary or permanently from Google and other search engines because of wrong-doing and using “black hat” SEO optimization techniques. Reaction from the search engine is easy to understand - with so many cheats and tricks, including the SEO experts in their arsenal, the relevance of results returned seriously compromised to the point where a search engine does not start and deliver relevant search results completely manipulated. And even if a search engine does not find fraud you soon, your competitors may report you.

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Avelina Marshall said...

I have seen this that black hat SEO is not for long term purpose. is that so?

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